Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fun in the SNOW!!

Who knew a few hours could be so much fun and soooo cold!! You had to keep moving so your would really freeze to death. The kids had so much fun and could have stayed all day but I was frozen and had to call it on a count of frost bite.

Gavin getting some serious air time

This had to hurt when Garett landed

Look mom no hands!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

As soon as the first snow comes, every time we head towards Spanish Fork the boys start asking if today is the day we get to make ginger bread houses? It is one of their favorite Christmas eve traditions.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


At Grandma and Grandpa Hill's annual kids Christmas Party. Santa came and spent time with all the kids. Even grandma and grandpa got a chance to sit on his lap. They wouldn't tell us what they asked for :)

Raquel was asking for a laptop

Nichelle told him to surprise her :)

Janessa really wanted a cell phone but decided to rethink her gift and changed to a ipod player.

Garett asked for a Nerf N360 Long Riffle, a new baskeball and shoes.

Gavin wanted a skate board, Nerf Gun, and a bow and arrow set.

They must have all been good kids because they all sure got spoiled.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Young Women Medalian

Mom, Carma, and Julie (past YW leaders)

After years of her mother bugging her. Nichelle finally decided it was time to finish up the last of her projects and earn her Young Womens Medalian. A mother could not be more proud. She is such an amazing girl. Far from perfect, but a wonderful, amazing fun young women. The world is in her hands.

Nichelle Favorite Young Womens friend Giselle or otherwise known as G-dog.

Current YW leaders Denise, Shannon, Shanna, Melissa, Jill, Keilly, and Michelle