Sunday, October 31, 2010


Halloween was so much fun this year. Between dressing up for school, our ward party and trick-or treating we got a lot of use out of our costumes this year. Everyone seemed to enjoy Halloween this year except Janessa. She was getting ready to turn the ripe old age of 12 so she was thinking she was a little to mature for dressing up. She spent the night watching moves with her friends (thus the reason for no pictures of her this year.) All the cute little trick-or-treater's were very disappointed when it was only me who answered the door and gave them a treat, with out being chased down the road by my crazy husband and his chainsaw. He had to work this year so it was very quiet around our house. (kinda boring)

Raquel the Lady Bug

Nichelle as a cowgirl with the boy of the moment

Garett a scary vampire. For school we did the whole black hair and scary makeup with fake blood. He didn't really care for all of that stuff and wouldn't let me put it on him again. Kinda disappointing but not worth the fight.

Gavin as Indiana Jones

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dad's big Buck

October wouldn't come soon enough. Since about August, the boys started asking "Is it October now" waiting for it to be time to go hunting with dad. Rhett with all his great hunting skills got a nice buck first thing opening morning. It made it a very positive fun experience for the boys first hunting with Dad.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fall Break in Lake Powell??

Who would have thought that we would be playing in the water in the middle of October. The kids loved it. Gavin even tried knee boarding for the first time and as you can see by his picture he was pretty proud of himself.

Friday, October 15, 2010

First Date

After missing her whole sophomore year without going to any of the dances, she was excited and thrilled when she turned 16 and two weeks later was able to go to her first high school dance. A month later she went to homecoming at Lone Peak high school and then asked Kai to Sadie's.