Monday, May 9, 2011

PROM 2011

Nichelle was thrilled was she was invited to go to prom this year with Kase Greenhalgh. We found her a "princess" dress and she really did look like a princess.

The Dress
The Hair
The Flowers
The Date: Kase Greenhalgh
Hair and Nail professionals: Raquel and Britlyn

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Disney Show Spring 2011

Raquel and Janessa were thrilled about their Disney Dance show. Other than the fact that it fell on Easter Weekend I loved it. The girls did such a great job and are becoming such beautiful dancers. Janessa was asked to be Peter pan. She wasn't a fan of the green tights but she looked darling

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ball to the Mouth...OUCH

At practice Nichelle's coach was hitting her some balls. She tried to block the sun with her mit but when she moved her mit to catch the ball she lost the ball in the sun and the ball clipped her mit and hit her in the mouth. Her lips are ugly but we are more worried about her teeth. They are very soar and tender but not loose. Her dentist was out of town so I will be taking her in on monday to have him double check. Her DR. is worried that one of her teeth might be impacted. He decided not to do stitches but if you can see in the bottom picture she has fat stuff hanging out. Don't ask me how that is going to come off. YUCK!!

Believe it or not this picture really doesn't show how ugly it really is. The inside of her upper lip is split open clear to her gum line. I tried to get her to open her lip more but she was ready to hit me so I didn't push the issue :)


Nichelle was exicted to make the high school varisty softball team again. They played in St. George for their first games of the season. Playing center field again she did awesome.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Raquel turns 14

My Sweet Raquel is growing up soooo fast!!

After she accepted the fact that she would not be getting a new ipod touch she was thrilled with her new gray vans, swim suit, dress, jewelry, slippers, towel jacket and money. She got spoiled :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

During February we got huge wind storms that broke up the ice and pushed it to the shores on Utah Lake. We took the boys out the see it. They thought it was really neat and loved playing around on it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Nichelle goes to Sweethearts

Out of all the boys to choose from Nichelle decided to ask her childhood friend Chase to the dance. They have been great friends since they were in Kindergarten. They had a lot of fun and Nichelle looked so darling.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Boys Earn Their Wolf Badge

At our Blue and Gold the boys were so excited because they finally finished all of the requirements for their wolf badge. They are having so much fun and have such a wonderful leader, Reba who goes the extra mile to make it a wonderful experience.
They love Scouts!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Paysetter Night

Raquel's dance team was asked to perform at the drill night at Payson High School. They has so much fun and their dance was awesome!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


The boys decided to try basketball this year. It was so much fun. They even scored a few points for their team. Gavin even got fouled and made one of the two shots YAY!!

Garett going up for a shot

Gavin taking a shot